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10 Best Dialogues of Hollywood Movies ~ Blood diamond

Blood diamond:-

Sometimes I wonder…will God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other? Then I look around,and I realize…God left this place a long time ago" 

Delivered by Leonardo's character in the movie this one dialogue transcends the entire movie. 

Literally speaking it can be divided in two parts and reach part in it's own is great  but together they make it the best.

Along with writing the acting ads to it. The way Leo delivers the line you like you have been sucker punched in your stomach by wrecking ball. It breaks your heart. 

And it does present the grim scenario of today's world and humanity.

Cinematicaly this lines define the character putting all his anger and resentment to words and explaining all of his moodiness and seeming lack of morale. 

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