Are there really floating rocks which build Rama Setu or Adam's bridge?

Answer :-

Opinion 1:-

I've been intrigued by this question since childhood days of watching Ramayana on television. And my doubts got cleared on my visit to Rameswaram, the Indian end of the Rama Setu, popularly known as the Adam's bridge. 

Answer to the question: YES!

Many temples in Rameswaram have preserved many of such rocks which can float on water. These rocks vary in size and a few of them are kept for display to the pilgrims and tourists. Some are kept in open water tanks, whereas some of them have been transferred to wells to prevent manual touch of curious visitors. 

Here's the picture I took of the rocks floating in a well in a temple. The floating rocks are visible in a corner of the well.

Opinion 2:-

Not that I know off.
Unless you believe all you see on YouTube. 

Consider that times were different then.
We have a man like monkey that could fly, carry mountians. A talking vulture. Multi headed Demons that could fly. Giants etc. So why are floating rocks so hard to believe. Yes we don't have any things like that now.


As per the story / myth / legend, all this happened in a previous era / age where it was possible. This story / myth / legend from this culture is not the only one from the ancient times to have unbelievable stories. This occurred throughout the world and as recently as about 1400 years ago in the middle east.


It could all just be stories that exaggerated the history that happened prior to that. Note that there is evidence for a historical Ravan, Lanka etc.

Opinion 3:-

I don't know... but I've a suggestion for you.
Don't blindly try to find literal meaning of stories given in ancient texts for following reasons.

1. They are ancient so it's very likely that what you are reading is not the original version but that comes through hundreds of generations and you will know why I say this if you play Chinese whisper

2. These are all written in poetic form. The intention was to make it easy to remember as then there either was no way to write or it was not very common. Poetic methods are easy to remember and less susseptible to distortion when passed from generation to generation. Because of this there is lot of analogical (alankarik) way of telling which makes it further difficult for common man to understand. E.g. peoets many times mention of bird called Chatak which is supposed to drink only rain water and is used as analogy to say how impatiently one waits for someone, we know it's just fancy of peoets.

3. We are reading things out of context. Things we take granted were very difficult during that period. E.g. travel or communication. Say hundreds of kilometers travel happening in single day may be called as lightning fast.

4. Common man when do not have access to technology he starts seeing things as magic and that may be used in literature. Just to give you example. When first train was started by British, people used to call it ghost and travel by train was not allowed.

5. Most important point. All the main scriptures like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita etc are all philosophical in nature and only intention writing them was to make common people read and follow it. It's very difficult to make common man understand philosophy and our ancestors used very innovative method of powerful storyline. Vivekananda used to tell american people that in India it's not important how learned you are but where you have learnt because it's very much possible that you learnt something distorted.

I hope this helps...

Opinion 4:-

If you are talking about the present state of the bridge, it is a natural phenomenon. Limestone shoals at the depth ranging between 1m to 10m, 300 m wide for 30 kms.  Its age is supposed to be 170,000 years much before humans became civilised. 

Now if you are talking about the one mentioned in ramayana, well, its quite possible  given how shallow the strait is (1m to 10m) that dumping huge amount of stones (a really large numbers) along the strait can result into a temporary man made bridge over the natural strait. With time, due to waves and cyclones, the human kept stones may have simply got disturbed.

An interesting point in this regard is, the historical records at rameshwaram temple reflects that people could walk upto sri lanka until 1488 AD, when a cyclone destroyed the stone arrangement. 

Restating it again, i dont think it really happened, but quite possible. However, the strait is naturally very shallow.

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